How to set up repeating event in Google Calendar on last day of the month

I ditched Microsoft Office 365 a couple of years back and went 100% into the Google ecosystem (Gmail, Calendar, etc.). If you can’t beat em, join em. 😄 I don’t regret the decision as it’s made my life a whole lot easier. I don’t even have Microsoft Office installed anymore and just live on the web. However, once in a while there are things that pop up, and trying to set up a repeating event in Google Calendar on the last day of the month is one of them.

I love Google calendar for its simplicity. And 99% of the time it does everything I need it to do just fine. However, the other day I had a new repeating event I needed to configure which would trigger on the last day of each month. After a little playing around and some quick research, I discovered there was actually no way to do this in Google Calendar. Sure you can go through each year and do it manually, but I like to set up repeating events with no end date (less work!).

By default, Google Calendar lets you set up the following repeating events:

  • Daily
  • Weekly on  Sunday
  • Monthly on the first Sunday
  • Annually on 1st of the month
  • Every weekday
  • Custom (repeat every day, week, month, year) and certain day with options for end date rules
Default options for repeating events in Google Calendar
Default options for repeating events in Google Calendar

As you can see, with all of the rules they have there is no way you can easily set up a repeating event on the last day of the month. Thankfully, there is a way to easily do this by creating a simple .ics file and importing it. Note: The following code and variations of it are floating around the web, but it was thanks to Dark Launch’s version that I got this working.

Step 1

First, open up your text editor (I use Sublime). Then paste in the following code:

SUMMARY:Pay Affiliates
DESCRIPTION:Send payment to affiliates.

I have filled out the above with examples, but the values you’ll want to update are:

  • SUMMARY: this is the name of your event
  • DTSTART;VALUE=DATE: yearmonthday (just choose whatever the next end of the month date is from your current month)
  • DESCRIPTION: The description of the event.
Create .ics event in Sublime
Create .ics event in Sublime

Basically how it works is the recurrence rule (RRULE) field with BYSETPOS=-1 causes the event to be the first day of the month minus 1 day. Note: You can’t edit the event later on. You can delete it and re-create it, but you can’t edit it.

Step 2

Save the above file as a .ics file. I simply saved mine as myevent.ics.

Step 3

Go to Google Calendar, click on the little + symbol next to “Add a friend’s calendar” and then on “Import.”

Import Google Calendar
Import Google Calendar

Step 4

Select your .ics file you saved earlier and ensure the calendar you want to import it on is selected below (only pertains to those of you with multiple calendars). Then click on “Import.”

Import .ics file to Google Calendar
Import .ics file to Google Calendar

Step 5

If everything worked correctly you should see a message “Imported 1 out of 1 event.” If you don’t, double check that you didn’t typo something in the code above. Then click “OK.”

Imported Google Calendar
Imported Google Calendar

Click on your calendar and you can verify that your repeating event now occurs on the last day of each month. You can see below it created it on April 30, May 31st, and so on. It repeats forever.

Google Calendar repeating event on last day of month
Google Calendar repeating event on last day of month

Easier option

If you don’t mind spending a little money, there is actually a much easier option. If you’re on a Mac, just buy the Fantastical 2 app. It’s basically your calendar on steroids.

You can type in a command, such as “Pay affiliates every month on the last day” and it will automatically create a repeating event on the last day of every month.

Repeating event last day of the month
Repeating event last day of the month

Need to create an event on the 15th of every month? No problem. Type in a command, such as “Pay affiliates every 15th of the month” and it will automatically create a repeating event on the 15th of every month.

Repeating event 15th of every month
Repeating event 15th of every month

Alternative Options

A few commentators have mentioned alternative methods which are worth pointing out.

Create a reminder with Google Assistant

If you use Google Assistant (which works on Android and iPhone), you can ask it to create a repeating reminder on the last day of the month. The one caveat with this method is you have to enable “Reminders” in your calendar.

I don’t personally use reminders as they are limited (you can’t add additional notes or details). I want the event in my main calendar as a normal event, so this doesn’t work for me. But if you’re already fine using reminders, this could be a quick and easy solution.

If you’re using Google Workspace, you might also need to enable Search and Assistant.

Create the appointment in Outlook

Another alternative is to create the appointment in Outlook or another calendar that has better recurring appointment options and then invite yourself, accept it into your Google Calendar, then duplicate the appointment and delete the original invitation.


I realize many of you might not ever need this, but it definitely came in handy for me. I have and always will enjoy sharing little tricks and things I learn with you all. Anything that helps us be more productive right? 😃

Do you use Google Calendar at all? Between Trello and Google Calendar, my life is pretty much all laid out haha. If this was helpful, please let me know below in the comments!

author bio
Brian Jackson

I craft actionable content and develop performance-driven WordPress plugins. Connect on X, subscribe to my newsletter (once a month), or buy me coffee.

118 thoughts on “How to set up repeating event in Google Calendar on last day of the month”

  1. I use Google calendar but have never thought of it as a tool to get reminded of important events.

    Thanks for sharing it and kudos on your decision to go all Google.

  2. That solved my problem, thanks! My first .ics file. There was one small glitch, but I’m OK with that. I changed BYSETPOS to -2, to start on the next-to-last day of the month. Worked fine for all future months, but started on the last day of the current month. I find it unacceptable that Google doesn’t support last-day-of-month, but with this technique I can even have next-to-last day!

    • Hey Fred! Glad this was helpful. I knew there would be others in my situation. It is totally crazy that Google doesn’t have this feature.

  3. Without testing the above version verbatim, I first removed SU and SA from BYDAY in the ics file as I am only interested in the last weekday of the month. When I check the calendar after the import, it appears to have worked for me.

    • I needed a reminder for a home loan payment which is on last business day of month. Brian and Jason’s tip helped. If 1st of month was a public holiday and a weekday reminder needs to be a day before that, so not 100% perfect method but pretty close :-)

    • Thank you so much for this modification. I too needed the last business day of the month for a task I do every month on the last business day and your modification worked like a charm.

  4. Thanks for this tip, you extinguished my frustration with Google!

    Also note: while you can’t edit the recurrence schedule, you can edit other aspects of the appointment (time, notifications, invites etc.)

  5. Terrific! Thanks for this. I had the same experience as Fred changed BYSETPOS=-2 for 2nd last business day and the first month was on the last date, and then the rest were perfect. Probably if you select the correct DTSTART;VALUE=DATE (ie second last), then it would work seamlessly. I also deleted SU and SA, as i wanted workdays, and it worked great. Thanks again.

  6. This is marvelous! It’s working perfectly for the last weekday of the month. How could I edit it to be on the 15th, or Friday if the 15th falls on a Saturday or Sunday? I’m trying to enter my payday on the 15th of the month.

      • I’ve just had a need for this and can’t understand why you have to jump through his to get something so obviously useful! I have also noticed that if you set up an event for 31st of May it seems to work but simply doesn’t occur in months of 30 days or less. It could at least come up on the first available day after ie the 1st of the following month. Pretty poor really Google!

    • Every two years, someone asks? :) I am looking for this option too. Similar, but not exactly the same: If 15th (or Holiday/anniversary/etc.) falls on Sat => Fri, if 15th falls on Sun => Mon.

  7. This was fantastic! I tweaked it slightly so that it would show on my calendar at a specific time:
    SUMMARY:Mvelopes – Sweep Accounts
    DESCRIPTION:Mvelopes – Sweep Accounts.

  8. Hi

    This was so helpful, thank you! Any idea how one could set a recurring event up for a specific week day of the second last week of the month? For instance I want a recurring event for the second last Thursday of every month.

  9. Fantastic, works like a charm. I have to put in a reminder to pay my rent every month and this technique solved my problem.


  10. Good stuff, thanks.
    An even easier work around could be to use the ‘first day of the month’ entry but set the reminder to 1day before :)


    • Hey George!
      That definitely would work, but I have a lot of different types of events scheduled on the 31st and 1st and need to see them on the actual day when I look at my calendar.

  11. BYSETPOS doesn’t work how you describe. I couldn’t use it to choose the Saturday before the first Sunday for example (RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYSETPOS=-1;BYDAY=1SU). In your example, it actually works by making a set of all the days of the month and then choosing the last one from the set. That’s also why it works if you specify only business days. It chooses all the business days in a month and then chooses the last one.

    • Hey Allen, it works for me for the entire year. For example, on June 30, 2019, it set an event, which is a Sunday, but the last day of the month. And in August 2019 it falls on a Saturday, the 31st, last day of the month. So it works fine across weekdays. Unless I’m misunderstanding what you are trying to do?

    • I have a similar problem. I need a event which repeats on the DAY BEFORE the first Monday of a month.

      If the first Monday is 1st, then my day is actually in the previous month (somewhere 28, 29, 30 or 31), i.e., the event can appear twice in a month (first and last Sunday) and sometimes never in certain months. Any idea how to do this? Perhaps the basic rule “every month” is broken here.

  12. You can also create the appointment in Outlook or another calendar that has better recurring appointment options and then invite yourself, accept it into your Google Calendar, then duplicate the appointment and delete the original invitation.

    • You don’t even have to invite yourself. You can simply create the appointment in Outlook, and then “Save As” the appointment as an .ICS file.

  13. If Google is as good as they think they are, why don’t they have this basic recurring pattern (last, first, etc business day of the month) as a standard option? Workarounds are a sign of bad coding.

  14. This totally worked for me and I was able to move it to another calendar after import as well! It looks like I can edit, too! I just see “Unsupported Occurrence” in the Dropdown! Thanks so much for this!

  15. Brian, I have successfully used your steps by using Outlook 365 to get my unusual recurring events into my business Google shared calendar. With one exception…. Outlook doesn’t allow you to create a recurring event for the “second week of February” for example. I have a need to get these types of recurring events into my Google calendar. If you could write an .ics script for this example, I can (hopefully) determine what parameters to change to make it work for other week events. Gratefully, Julie

  16. Didn’t work for me as of 5/5/19. Used the exact data above put into Notepad++ and saved as ICS file. Only thing I changed was date, description, summary.
    What it did was add the event to my start date and then repeated it for the next few days.
    Found out my phone app had the option (Business Calendar 2), so just did it from there instead of the web

    • Hey BH,
      You must have copied something wrong by accident because I have colleagues that use this trick all the time. So I can confirm it works.

  17. Thanks Brian
    Really helpful and much needed. This has made my life easier for sure!
    I found that I was able to edit the description (where I keep a list of my month end tasks) without having to re-edit and re-import the text file so I can now add/remove month end tasks very easily.
    Thank you

  18. You can also set it so it’s the last weekday before a date. For example, if you wanted an event on 27th unless it’s on a weekend then it would need to be either 26th or 25th for Friday.


  19. I didn’t want to make an event every last day of the moment. I wanted to make a reminder, here is my solution:

    Google Keep has the feature to set a reminder with a note. This reminder can be repeated, and (suprisingly) Google Keep CAN set a reminder every last day of the month. In Google Keep you will have to choose a specific hour, but afterwards in Google Calendar you can change to ‘entire day’.
    This fixed it for me.

  20. Great stuff Brian!!!

    I used it then compared with the export to see what do I have to set to put in times…


    Then worked like a charm.

  21. “Create the appointment in Outlook or another calendar that has better recurring appointment options and then invite yourself, accept it into your Google Calendar, then duplicate the appointment and delete the original invitation.”

    iPhone Calendar has “last day of month” feature, so creating it there works also!

  22. Thank you. I used step 1 to import a new rule created by my employer into Google Calendar. Like many of the others, I wanted last working day, but we all seem to have had the same idea of removing SA and SU. Worked a treat.

    • Hey JH,
      Yes, this would work for the 5th day of every month. Simply change the BYSETPOS value to +5. So it would look like this.

      SUMMARY:Your Event Name
      DESCRIPTION:Your event description.
  23. This did not work for me. I am trying to create a repeat rule for the Wed before Thanksgiving (Wed before the 4th Thu), every other year. Is my RRULE correct for that?
    Whenever I do it, it puts the event on the fourth Thursday.

  24. This is a nice solution that I might have to come back to another time. I needed a reminder on the last day of the month and was more interested in the reminder coming to my email to take action on something so my work around was to schedule it for the 1st of the month and to set the notification reminder to come to my email 1 day in advance. My plan doesn’t work if you need to see the reminder on your calendar but I think it will work great for my needs.

  25. The bad thing about this technique is that it works only for Calendar Events but you can not add Calendar Reminders or Tasks. It looks like Reminders and Tasks are special type of events which can not be exported or imported. And I love namely Tasks not those huge ugly Events with million of fields and settings.

    • Ya apparently that is a known issue with Google tasks, they don’t work exactly the same way events do, which is a shame. They have a repeat option, but they don’t work the same way.

  26. Just proves how shit Google really is. Apologies to those who believe otherwise. It’s really pissed me off on so many levels. Can’t be bothered with coding something so obviously and annoyingly omitted. It is also extremely worrying that Google haven’t done anything about it in all this time and that should worry everyone.

  27. Using Google Calendar Feedback I did send Feedback about this issue. My example was setting up Daylight savings time (DST) the second Sunday in March, ending DST the first Sunday in November. As it now is No-Can-Do.

    Not sure Google cares about their inadequate implementation, but nothing said nothing changes.

  28. Hi,

    I am trying to import this and it is failing – anything I am doing wrong here?

    DESCRIPTION:Send payment to affiliates. 

      • Still not working with the following:

        SUMMARY:Pay Affiliates
        DESCRIPTION:Send payment to affiliates

        • Hey Shai,
          It’s simply your line breaks that are incorrect. Make sure to copy the exact script above in the article and don’t hit enter or add line breaks as you change the info.

  29. It’s a great tip!
    This hack inspired another work around: you setup event on the first day of the month, but configuring it to remind you 1 day before the event.
    Thanks for great tip!

  30. Hi Brian,

    Great tip.

    Have you any suggestions for events on the 29th or 30th of the month?

    The 29th because the event could be missed on 3 out of 4 February’s and 30th for every February.

    The issue I found is if I use the “BYSETPOS=-1;” for events on the 29th or 30th, they move to the 31st for Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct & Dec.

  31. I just made a monthly recurring on the 1st, and just made notification 1 day. So, in effect, it will notify the last day each month. This won’t work if you actually need to put an event on the last day of each month, but for my purposes (timesheet), this works fine.

  32. Hi! This is fantastic. Like an above commenter, I am looking for a way to create an event that occurs on the last weekday before the 15th of the month. If I say BYSETPOS=14, though, it creates it on the 20th! I think it’s counting to the 14th instance of one of the specified days? (Since I’ve excluded Sat & Sun.)

    Any tips for how to get this working? Thank you!

    • @Julia,

      I just found this solution trying to do the same thing. Here’s what I did that seems to be working:

        • Feeling ridiculous for not being able to figure this out, but I feel like I’m trying to do the same thing, only the even occurs on the 7th, unless it’s Sunday and it will occur the day prior on Saturday. Is this not correct?


          Thanks in advance if you can help!

  33. Hi Brian,
    Tried using your ics example to create an entry in Google Calendar, and repeatedly received “0 imported” on my file IB.ics —

    SUMMARY:Record Investment Balances
    DESCRIPTION:Update investment spreadsheet

    In trying to research, an “ics validator” could find any import errors, so I tried one. Following is what I get:

    Missing required PRODID property near line # 1
    Reference: RFC 5545 3.6. Calendar Components
    Missing DTSTAMP property near line # 3
    Reference: RFC 5545 3.6.1. Event Component
    Missing UID property near line # 3
    Reference: RFC 5545 3.6.1. Event Component

    I looked at the three specifications, and it is all Greek to me. Do you know if something has changed since you posted?



  34. Any workaround on how to set a reminder every 6th of the month at 3 pm? I don’t have any knowledge about coding, I do not know how to put my time zone (Manila).


  35. Brian, thanks so much for this! I only had to Google my problem for 3 minutes before finding your awesome solution.

    Having tinkered with it (aka having stolen your idea), I came up with a variation that allows for editing in Google Calendar, and which doesn’t require importing.

    I set up an event that occurs on the 1st of every month, at 2am… then gave it a timezone that’s 5 hours ahead of me.

    Now the event always occurs the night before the 1st of every month.

    Thanks again!

  36. Thanks, for a yearly event, just change “INTERVAL=1” to 12

    SUMMARY:Rare Disease Day
    DESCRIPTION:Rare Disease Day takes place on the last day of February each year.

  37. You might find the website useful, in particular their recurrence rule generator at which I’m guessing covers all the capabilities offered in the specification, in a GUI.

    I’ve looked at several other online ICS generator sites but they are all extremely basic and don’t provide much (if any) recurrence.

  38. Hi Brian,

    I have some rental payment due at the end of the month. Before I pay, I want to set the colour to RED. Then after I pay it, I would like to change the color to GREEN. Is there any way to set the color change without deleting it?

    Also, I would like the calendar reminder to hold the account information such as bank account, the receiving party name etc. How can I save this information using the code you mentioned?


  39. Thanks Brian!!

    I was disappointed not to find “last day of month” or “first day of month” on Google Calendar.
    I modified your original text with WORD. I saved it as .txt and then renamed to .ics and it imported perfectly.

    Thanks for sharing!


  40. As everyone says, wonderful piece of work here. So well laid out. Thanks for your efforts.

    I wonder if it’s possible to do this as a *reminder* rather than an event?

    • Hey Brian,
      That might work for some, but it wouldn’t if you have any integrations with your calendar that require blocking out a specific time. Not to mention that it wouldn’t show up on the right day. Doing the trick above is quick and easy and will ensure everything works as it should.

  41. A simple way I found is to set a recurring event on the 1st day of each month (which is a built-in option in Google Calendar), and then set the notification to 24 hours before.

    • Hey Michael,
      That might work for some, but it wouldn’t if you have any integrations with your calendar that require blocking out a specific time. Not to mention that it wouldn’t show up on the right day. So for me personally, that wouldn’t be a solution. Doing the trick above is quick and easy and will ensure everything works as it should.

    Great options here, but one more extra simple one… Create an event 1st of the month (as every month has that!) and set a notification for the day before…!!! SIMPLE! (but ever-so-slightly-cludgy)

    • Hey Cadster,
      That might work for some, but it wouldn’t if you have any integrations with your calendar that require blocking out a specific time. Not to mention that it wouldn’t show up on the right day. So for me personally, that wouldn’t be a solution. Doing the trick above is quick and easy and will ensure everything works as it should.

  43. I discovered an easier way to do this in google calendar UI.
    Is works best if you are living in Europe or US. Here is what I did

    1. Create an event for 1st of every month
    2, Change timezone for the event to a future timezone and adjust the time accordingly.

    I needed a reminder for an event on evening of every month-end (pacific time (so I selected a timezone in India which is 12:30 or 13:30 hours ahead of pacific), works for Feb as well.

  44. An even easier workaround is to start the event on the last day of a month with 31 days and set a monthly reminder. Works every time.

    • Yes, that works, but it doesn’t if you want to have things in your calendar appear where they should. I like to have all my events show on the actual day that they take place.

  45. OMG, love this. Thank you so much for posting this. Thought I would have to spend a bunch of time researching this and bam your post came up in my search and 5 minutes later it’s all done. You ROCK.

    • Hey Angie,
      Glad it was helpful! I really wish Google Calendar would make this easier. But until then, the steps above work. :)

  46. Maybe an easier way (or not?). Put an event, reminder or task 31 October repeating the 31:st every month. Then you have 7 events for comming years done. Then put a new event with the same description 30 November with yearly repeating. Continue with February, April, June and September with a yearly repeating of the event. Not a good way but I think that will work.

    • That could work, but your calendar wouldn’t be very organized. The whole idea is to have it show on the actual day in your calendar. And that’s what the trick above lets you do.

  47. Thanks Brian,
    I’m so delighted to have found your easy-to-use instructions for setting up my unusual recurring events in Google calendar.
    I have started a new job and the payday is on the 3rd last working day of each month.
    Fortunately, I found the RRULE for this through Google, and with your easy instructions above using “Sublime”, all the dates have gone into my calendar.

    Thank you so much as it was driving me crazy trying to set it up as I’m a bit OCD about stuff like this! 😄

  48. 4yrs later, this issue still not fixed by Google?!?! WTF

    Thank You Brian Jackson for the solution, much appreciated…Frig Google!

  49. Thanks for this tips. Can you also please help me by showing how do I set last day of the quarter? i.e. Last day of every 3rd month or 2nd month?

  50. There’s a quick trick to work around this. If you create the event on the 31st (obvs, choose a month that has 31 days to start the series) and set it to repeat on the 31st of each month, it will automatically repeat itself on the last day of each month. If you need the series to start on a month with less than 31 days, simply create a one off reminder for that month – if that makes sense!

    • Thanks Sara! Ya, that might work for some, but the whole point is to automate the entire process. If you’re having to create one-off reminders, that’s just time wasted. The solutions above automate everything 100%.

  51. I believe that I have found an easier approach that is free. Simply ask the Google Assistant to “add a reminder on the last day of each month.” I am using a Pixel 6, and I can even type the reminder into the assistant interface after using this initial command.

    • Hey James!
      Thanks for your comment. It doesn’t really work for me because I want everything in my main calendar (without having to enable reminders) and I need to add additional details to events. But this is a great alternative, especially for those already using reminders. I went ahead and added it to the alternative section above. Appreciate you taking the time to let us know.

  52. It’s possible to set recurring last day of the month in Google Calendar app for iOS and Android. But still missing in the web app. ☹️

  53. How would I adjust the code to set something for two Tuesdays before the first Saturday of each month? I guess my starting place is identifying how to code “first Saturday”, as I could then set the BYSETPOS=-12, right?

  54. This was great, it two seconds to implement and solved my problem. I can also use this script now for other things too. Cheers and thanks.


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